You Can Just Smell the Puppy Breath!

Are You Dreaming of a New Frenchie Puppy?

Exciting, isn’t? Even thinking about looking for a new Frenchie to share you life with brings all those “Am I REALLY doing this?” feelings. From excited to nervous, we all run the gamut of emotions when we take that final mental step of “I want a new puppy? Yes, I DO want a new puppy!”

If this is your first puppy the information gathering is critical. You may have reached out to Frenchie breeders, and realized this is not like anything else you’ve done! Of course, if this is not your first puppy-searching rodeo, you have an idea of what to expect. Our goal is to make this initial step crystal clear. You have enough to think about as you decide on a puppy name and stocking up on pappy pee pads!

For our initial meet and greet, believe it or not, we prefer to chat. Yep, old school, no PDFs to fill out, no forms to complete online. We ask you email us and schedule a time to chat. The forms and such are for later, of course, we DO have them! ;-D

Here are a few examples to give you an idea of the info we’re looking for;

  • Is this your first dog?
  • If not, tell us about previous dogs
  • Do you have another dog (or pets) now?
  • Will there be anyone at home with the puppy during the day?
  • Have you been around French Bulldogs?
  • Where did you see your first Frenchie?
  • What made you decide you wanted a French Bulldog?

Fundamental info is what we’re going to chat about. Not as in-depth as a Tinder/Bumble Bio (if you’re of those generations). Getting to know each other will be the goal.

Give us a call Shirley or Martha

Email is [email protected] or use our Contact Form.

We look forward to talking Frenchie with you!