Is Your French Bulldog Going to be an “Under the Covers Sleeping Frenchie” OR an “In Their Crate/Elsewhere Sleeping Frenchie”?
Are your dogs allowed in the bed with you…or not? Over the years, I have met many people who feel one is not a good pet parent if they choose NOT to allow dogs into the bed. As in, would get huffy and upset when someone said, “No, our dogs and us both get better sleep in our own beds.” While we feel it is absolutely none of our business who sleeps in your bed and we mean this on absolutely every level, we will weigh in on the pros and cons of allowing your Frenchie to sleep with you.
You might already know whether you prefer to have your dog sleep with you or not. That’s your decision. Enjoy learning both sides of the bed, but let’s skim the pros and cons before you pull the covers up.
PROS to Allowing Your Frenchie To Sleep in the Bed
Frenchies are warm and cuddly
Frenchies are fun to wake up to – that face! Those snorts!
Frenchies can be easily trained to sleep on your sleep patterns (usually)
You know where they are unless you’re a heavy sleeper, and they are sneaky
You may expedite their housetraining if they sleep with you
Your partner (existing or future) may love the idea
CONS for Allowing Your Frenchie To Sleep in the Bed
Frenchies snore, sometimes unimaginably loud for their size
Frenchies can be gassy and will Dutch Oven you at every opportunity
Frenchies often enjoy stomping on you (especially your stomach and nether-parts) as they get the most comfortable spot
Frenchies can fall off the bed and be injured (this is a serious point to ponder)
Frenchies may have trouble getting into and out of bed*
Your partner (existing or future) may hate the idea
Health issues, human or canine, can cause issues that prevent this from being a workable situation
Summing Up the Where Is Our Frenchie Going To Sleep Conundrum
We strongly suggest you do not allow them to sleep in the bed if they can be injured if/when they fall off.
*The average bed is 25″ or so off the ground. Hotels usually have beds at 28-30″, probably for cleaning purposes. If a small puppy falls off a two-foot-or-more-tall bed it could harm them. Plus, Frenchies have an extremely bully, compact body type as adults and jumping on and off the bed could lead to back issues, injured patellas, muscle tears and more. If you decide to have them sleep with you, we suggest a carpeted ramp to allow them to stroll onto the bed like the little royalty they are!
You now have enough info to make a decision, at least one that determines how you will sleep tonight! Good luck and Sweet Frenchie Dreams!
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